A friend asked me “why is my marriage not working?
Why can’t I keep permanent and enjoyable relationships?
I don't claim to have all the answers but could it be that ;
you are selfish and care only about yourself?
you are too proud , ‘closed’ and unreachable?
you lack tact in relating with people?
you have diarrhea of the mouth?
you find it difficult to give yourself to your
you love your stuffs more than your family?
you are too busy and pressed for time to relate?
you are playing God over your spouse by trying
to change them?
you are too perfect for ordinary folks to
you are
not kind and compassionate in dealing with people.
you are an unfriendly person who loves strife?
you are allowing small conflicts to grow and
you are not affirming your love for your
you easily misunderstand your friends?
you are intolerant and impatient with people?
you find it difficult to love people?
you do not respect your spouse?
you believe wrongly that all men are brutes and
women are demons?
you are a sexist?
you are cynical and suspicious of your folks?
you have disappointed the trust of your family
and friends?
you are not appreciative of your relationships?
you have neglected your marital and financial
you are not working at and growing your
you are not forgiving and forgetting offences
committed against you?
you lack people skills?
you are being distracted by a lot of
external influences?
you have given up on your relationship?
you are not seeking God’s help in your
you are allowing satan to break your family and
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